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Refund Policy

Here at ShopVst.com we aim to deliver the highest quality products on the market. Customer satisfaction is number one on the list of our priorities. However, due to the nature of our products (non-tangible irrevocable goods), all digitally delivered products from ShopVst.com are not eligible for return or refund. The customer may at any time cancel their order before payment has been processed.

We thoroughly check all our products before we put them up for sale; any issues that occur are likely to be on the customer’s end. We’ll do our best to help resolve any technical issues, but beyond that there’s little we can do in terms of refunding.

We reserve the right to refuse any refund requests.

To minimize refund requests, we urge that you double-check your orders before purchasing. Make sure the product you’re ordering is compatible with your operating system and software you own. We reserve the right to refuse any refund requests and will not be held at fault for customer mishaps.

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