Modern Rock [2 DVD]

Modern Rock [2 DVD]

Big Fish Audio Modern Rock [2 DVD][Multiformat]

Modern Rock Guitar and Bass Loops.

Unleash the glow before the storm with the explosive power of Modern Rock Guitar and Bass Loops.

This massive 8 GB collection is a roaring celebration of groups like Paramore, 30 Seconds to Mars, Death Cab for Cutie, Fall Out Boy,The Black Keys, Muse, and My Chemical Romance. This library allows you to harness the creative essence of the electric guitar and bass backed by the raw emotional power of roaring amplifiers.

This library contains 27 Kits packed full of the hottest electric guitar and electric bass loops. Each and every kit contains multiple song sections (Verse, Chorus, Bridge/Breakdown and Outro) to build and infuse your tracks with. In addition, four to five different and unique guitar and bass parts are featured per song section, allowing for virtually unlimited looping options. If that weren't enough, each and every guitar and bass loop in the library features both the live/amped loop as well as a direct version of the loop for massive tonal options. This direct loop option allows you to use virtual amp plug-ins, re-amp and tweak every single part to your hearts content.   Feed the inner fire, and let the emotional conviction of glowing amplifiers and electric guitar and basses ignite into a bonfire of raw creative flames. Explore your inner musician, create tracks never before realized and make music that stands out.

Texture: The rich, raw, and powerful sensation that occurs when two entities meld together to form the perfect blend of shadow and light, love and hate, and right and wrong; the birth of a song's soul.

Weave sensuous layers of musical texture into your tracks and listen as your songs take their first real fresh breath of life. Feel the first fire of passion, the spirit of love, and the rush of heady laughter as it intertwines itself in your songs.

The Textured series is a compilation of sonic layers that embody emotional elements of realism and fantasy, fused to create tracks so full of life, you'll be able to feel the soul of the music as it comes alive. This series knows no musical boundaries and enhances all musical genres its placed with. So whether your needing a few rhythms and textures to add dimension to your existing tracks or want that one of a kind melodic hook that can jump start the creative juices the Textured Series always has you covered.

Taste it, feel the smoothness of dulcet tones, or the rough crash of thundering staccatos on your senses. Explore your inner musician, create tracks never before realized and make music that stands out. So leave behind a world of monotone and explode into a world of vibrant richness with the Textured Series experience.


- 7.59 GB of material (2.83 GB of 24-bit WAV files)

- 3,283 files in WAV, REX and Apple Loops (1,062 WAV Loops)

- 27 Massive Construction Kits: Each kit contains a demo mix and multiple unique guitar and bass tracks broken out into numerous stackable song sections. Every guitar and bass loop contains two version (Amped and Direct) allowing you to mix and match and tweak to your hearts content. Create the exact amount of texture you desire.

- 1,062 WAV Loops

- 1,062 Apple Loops

- 1,1159 REX Loops

- Instruments Used:
Electric Guitars
Electric Bass

Rock/Alternative, Instrument loops, Guitar Loops

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You may buy Modern Rock [2 DVD] or download it from our website.
This product was released on 15 Aug 2011. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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