Boom Library Horses

  • Product Type: Sound Effects
  • Tag Icon Tags: Sound effects
    MAC OSX Compatible PC Windows Compatible
  • Platform: MAC OSX X32 PowerPC, MAC OSX X64 Intel, PC Windows x64, PC Windows x86
  • Format: WAV
Boom Library Horses


Knights, the Cavalry, the Three Musketeers, Cowboys, Indians, Arnold Schwarzenegger in TRUE LIES: The cool guys sit on horses. Bring these animals to vibrant life with our extensive HORSES SFX library. You get 9 GB of high quality and royalty free SFX of countless horse voices, a mass of Foley sounds, pass-bys and steps in various gaits and different surfaces.

We recorded GALLOP, TROT, WALK on STONE, CONCRETE, DIRT, GRASS, GRAVEL, SAND, MUD & WOOD. The Foley contains sounds of BRIDLES, SADDLES, MOUNTING, UNMOUNTING and a lot more. All you need in one brand-new high quality SFX library.

One of the key features: We included a playable KONTAKT 5 instrument* that enables you to easily synch the Foley steps to your project. Scroll down and watch a tutorial to see how easy it is. With BOOM Library – HORSES, you’re ready for your next ride.

* No KONTAKT Player included. A full version of KONTAKT 5 is required.

Key Features

  • Library ships in 96/192 kHz, 24-bit High Definition Audio
  • Playable KONTAKT 5 instrument for horse steps
  • Effective workflow: well-grounded Soundminer Metadata

You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy Boom Library Horses or download it from our website.
This product was released on 10 Nov 2016. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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