Mountain Dulcimer

Mountain Dulcimer


Ladies and Gents, our MOUNTAIN DULCIMER is here. And we know you're gonna love this thing! The Mountain Dulcimer, native of the Appalachian region of the U.S., is a strummed zither with a beautiful, intimate, unique sound.

The specific model we chose to record has a sweet, beautiful and inviting tone, and we sampled the heck out of it! You can treat this VI in the traditional sense, as a strummed zither/ gorgeous-sounding acoustic instrument, OR you can take advantage of the super detailed programming love that we put into it – by playing chord changes, notes and patterns that couldn’t be performed on a live instrument!

We invite you to listen to the demos, check out the videos, and immerse yourself in our flagship product from the WHISKEY SERIES!!


  • Made for Kontakt 5.4.3+ (NOT Player)
  • Traditional, strummed zither
  • One of our deepest yet!
  • Great for solo + rhythm-making
  • BYOW: Bring Your Own Whiskey

Tech Specs

  • Lots of RR's, as always!
  • Scripting by Andreas Lemke
  • Incredible, deep scripting… gives you tons of control over the samples
  • 8900+ recorded samples
  • 3.2 GB installed, 530 MB loaded in Kontakt (depending on your personal DFD settings)
  • Fast download from Amazon S3
  • Sample resolution: 44.1Khz/24-bit stereo, NCW Format
You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy Mountain Dulcimer or download it from our website.
This product was released on 14 Jan 2017. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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