Sonic Projects OP-X PRO-II

  • Product Type: VST Plugins
  • Tag Icon Tags: Vintage sound
    MAC OSX Compatible PC Windows Compatible
  • Platform: MAC OSX X64 Intel, PC Windows x64, PC Windows x86
  • Disks: 1 CD
  • Format: AU, VST, VST3
  • Required: DAW Software
Sonic Projects OP-X PRO-II

OP-X PRO-II - the ultimate dream machine!

OP-X PRO-II is the new top flagship of the OP series offering many new and extended features inspired by requests from users we have collected over the years as well as own new ideas. Due to its countless sound shaping features and flexible voice management the range of possible sounds reaches from early monophonic synths over classics like OB-X and Jupiter-8 up to Matrix-12.

OP-X PRO-II offers world unique features and a sound that will make your brain release endorphines. It will deliver the fattest and warmest strings, pads, brasses and solos you've ever heard from a virtual synth. An included library of more than 2500 of the finest presets inluding many of the most famous 80ies hits sounds and countless well known presets from various classic vintage synths builds the base for your work. Features like relative or fetched midi cc response make this synth a perfect live machine.

OP-X PRO-II does not just clone voices to achieve polyphony. Its unique Separate Voice Design (SVD) emulates the exact audio signal flow and voice structure of real voltage controlled polyphonic analogue synths using a separate independent monosynth for each voice including all the slight variations and detunings between the single voices which gave those synths that lively and organic sound. These detunings can be controlled globally and also can be edited in every tiny detail for each voice on demand.

The synth is supercharged with features inspred by a wide variety of classic analog synths and so it isn't limited to emulating only one specific synth. Check the audioclips above to get an impression of its huge variety. Dependent on the settings it can sound close to an Oberheim, a Jupiter-8, a Prophet-5 or even a Minimoog. It's flexible voice engine featuring a separate pannable mono synth for each voice allows to include or exclude any voice of choice which can make it a Matrix-12 like polyphonic monster synth, a classic four voice synth or even a simple innocent mono synth. Its morphable state variable multimode filter offering switchable 12/24db slope and switchable self oscillation allows to achieve almost any thinkable color since everything including the modes is seamlessly blendable.

But where others stop this synth only begins. Once all classic parameters are set you can start refining the character of the whole system by using all the many voice based detuning features which can make the synth sound completely pissed off with a lot of detunings going on up to clean and precise to capture the sound of later more behaved analog synths. This can be done intuitively and quickly on the fly using just four global buttons, or, if you want to go into the tiny details, using the voice-based tuning trimpots to refine it. This allows you to achieve any thinkable character and you even could clone a dedicated real analog synth in every detail voice by voice.

Last but not least the synth offers a bunch of unique features dedicated to live application which can help to make a live performance completely glitch free, intuitive and smooth. These include a switchable relative or fetched response to incoming controller data which eliminates the well known parameter jumps caused by deviating settings. A built in patch change smoother makes patch switches over midi and increment or decrement buttons completely artefact free by quickly fading out audio, releasing all notes and fading in again, all within the fraction of a second. This can be complemented with a switchable parallel processing mode of the effects engine which lets the effects of the old preset finish uncut while the new preset is directed to another free engine. The effect engine itself offers a bunch of handy quick presets. Last but not least arpeggios and sequences can be hold/started or released/stopped hands-free with the damper pedal by quickly depressing and releasing it again time-filtered within less than half a second.

As you can see OP-PRO-II offers a lot. To be able to enjoy all of its sound possibilities off the shelf the synth comes with a huge library of 1'500 built in sounds plus 500 more downloadable in the regularly extended sound reloads area which gives you a library of no less than 2'000 fantastic sounds in total including many famous sounds as base for your work.

You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy Sonic Projects OP-X PRO-II or download it from our website.
This product was released on 30 Jan 2019. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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