Indiginus Blue Street Brass

Indiginus Blue Street Brass

Indiginus has teamed up with Impulse Record to create a library featuring authentic instruments from the early 1900s and late 1800s, played in a style reminiscent of the turbulent days of the 1930s and 1940s, with just a touch of film noir.

Blue Street Brass has a simple interface to get you working quickly, with it's emphasis on sustained notes and a new scripted legato effect.

Instruments included:

  1. 1920s Trumpet 1
  2. Trumpet 1 Plunger Mute
  3. Mellow Plunger
  4. 1920s Trumpet 2
  5. Trumpet 2 Harmon Mute
  6. Trumpet 2 Cup Mute
  7. Soaring Trumpet (Trpt 2 ff with vib)
  8. 1905 Orchestral Cornet
  9. 1907 Cornet Lt. Vib
  10. 1907 Cornet St Mute
  11. Flugelhorn
  12. Euphonium 1894
  13. Saxhorn 1865
  14. Mellophone 1930s
  15. 1908 Trombone (vib and non-vib)
  16. Brass Ensemble
  17. Low Brass Ensemble
  18. High Brass Ensemble
  19. Bugle in G (WWII era)
  20. Bugle in D (WWII era)
  21. Civil War Bugle
  22. Tuba 1900

You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy Indiginus Blue Street Brass or download it from our website.
This product was released on 16 Apr 2019. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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