Rapid Composer 4 v4.6.2

  • Product Type: Sound Editors
  • Tag Icon Tags: Sequencer
    MAC OSX Compatible PC Windows Compatible
  • Platform: MAC OSX X64 Intel, PC Windows x64
  • Disks: 1 CD
  • Format: AU, Standalone, VST, VST3
Rapid Composer 4 v4.6.2

Designed from the ground up for music composition.
Used by thousands of composers since 2010.

RapidComposer is a unique, non-destructive, phrase-based music prototyping software designed for composers, songwriters and musicians of all musical styles.

Music Theory Integrated

Create great sounding chord progressions, use piano-style phrases even if you’ve never touched a piano, auto-harmonize melodies, get chord suggestions, load MIDI files with chord detection, use the chord palette or the "circle of fifths" chart, RapidComposer will always assist you in songwriting.

Smart Phrases

Phrases always conform to the current chord and scale on the master track. Forget about tinkering with notes. Lay out the chords on the master track, or just drop a chord progression on it, with a key-press you can generate a harmony track with perfect voice leading. Start composing now!

Phrase Generators

Rhythm and phrase generators are included for various purposes. Create monophonic or polyphonic patterns. Generate melody. Use variations to change phrases non-destructively. Slice or change the rhythm of existing phrases.

Flexible Chord Selection

RapidComposer offers several ways to select chords for the master track or chord progressions including Tonnetz and Circle of Fifths. Color chord buttons by consonance, common notes, tonality or suggestions. Set up chord rules for progressions. Use chord voicings for tracks, phrases or master track chords.

Idea Tool

RapidComposer will generate a multi-track composition with chords based on your settings, using your phrases. Different types of workflows are supported. Not just when you are out of ideas.

Melody Editor

Melodya is a motive generator and editor, which was integrated into RapidComposer as a Melody Editor tab in v4.0. By enabling the chords track, you can create a melody for a given chord progression, so two entirely different workflows are supported.

Chord, Scale, Chord Progression Libraries

The large chord, scale and chord progression libraries are expandable. The docked browsers will let you search, preview, sort, group and display the items. A file browser was added for v4.0.

Customizable UI

The user interface and the keyboard shortcuts can be fully customized. Set your preferred colors, font size, button shapes, borders with several themes included. Scalable vector graphics is used, so the UI will look great with any font size. The UI looks the same on Windows or macOS and supports retina/HiDPI screens.

You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy Rapid Composer 4 v4.6.2 or download it from our website.
This product was released on 09 May 2023. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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