PMI Baroque Organ

PMI Baroque Organ

This is the first sample library that captured every stop of the organ chromatically and sampled all useful combinations. This way you can create every possible combination this organ can produce!

The library contains 2.8 GB of high quality samples and was designed for easy operation. You can play the organ live using midi keyboards as a normal church organ or integrate it in your existing sequencer environment. All 28 individual stops have been chromatically recorded, 55 samples for each stop. The samples are 10 seconds long and perfectly looped.

Additionally 10 (18*Giga and Kontakt) most used combinations are carefully selected and sampled in order to enable every possible combination of stops without polyphony problems.

Marcussen & Søn organ (1965)
Moerdijk (North Brabant, Netherlands) - St. Stefanus church

Organ Disposition:

Principal 8'
Gedakt 8'
Traegedakt 8'
Principal 16'

Rørfløjte 8'
Principal 4'
Rørfløjte 4
Oktav 8'

Oktav 4'
Gedaktfløjte 4'
Principal 2'
Oktav 4'

Spidsfløjte 4'
Gemshorn 2'
Sivfløjte 1'
Mixtur 2 kor

Oktav 2'
Nasat 1 1/3'
Regal 8'
Basun 16'

Mixtur 2 kor
Scharf 4 kor
Trumpet 8'

Dulcian 16'
Sesquialtera 2 kor

Skalmeje 4'

Trumpet 8'
Krummhorn 8'
- The Individual stops: 28 individual stops (+ 8 layered combined registrations), 55 samples for each stop, each sample is looped, 55 release samples with the natural ambience per stop, each sample is approx. 10 seconds long

- The Combinations: the10 most used combinations were sampled to let you combine any registration without polyphony limitations: 55 samples for each stop samples are unlooped, 55 release samples with the natural ambience per stop, each sample is approx. 15 seconds long

You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy PMI Baroque Organ or download it from our website.
This product was released on 20 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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