EWQL Symphonic Orchestra - BRASS [5 DVD]

$122.50 $69.95
EWQL Symphonic Orchestra - BRASS [5 DVD]
EWQL Symphonic Orchestra PLATINUM - BRASS [5 DVDs Set]

Professional sound quality with advanced 32-bit processing; eight-part multitimbrality and 256 voice polyphony allow for lush arrangements. The clean and intuitive interface never lets the technology get in the way of your creativity. 6 French Horns,Solo Horn,4 Trumpets NV , Bass/Tenor Bones,Solo Bass/Tenor Bone ,3 Wagner Tuben.



6 French Horns -

# sustain p, mp, mf, f, fff
# staccato p, mf, f, fff
# long staccato fff
# portato, mf, fff
# portato sfz, mf, fff
# sforzando f
# legato slides, short and long
# legato p, mp, mf, f, fff
# rips, short 1 and 2, and long
# shakes
# stop mutes

Solo Horn -

# sustain, p, mf.ff
# staccato p, mf, ff
# portato, mf, ff
# sforzando f

4 Trumpets NV -

# sustain mp, mf, ff
# sustain accent mp, mf, ff
# legato mp, mf, ff
# staccato, mp, mf, ff
# sforzando short
# forte-piano
# slides fast and slow

Solo Trumpet (C) -

# expressive vibrato 1 ,2 and 3
# non-vibrato mp, mf, ff
# staccato double tongue position 1 p, mf, ff
# staccato double tongue position 2 p, mf, ff
# sforzando
# portato
# slides fast and slow

4 Bass/Tenor Bones -

# sustain p, mf, ff
# sustain accent p, mf, ff
# staccato p, mf, ff
# portato
# sforzando
# flutter tongue
# crescendo short, medium and long

Solo Bass/Tenor Bone -

# sustain p, mf, ff
# staccato p, mf, f, fff

3 Wagner Tuben -

# sustain mp, f
# sustain accent mf
# portato fff
# rips

Solo Tuba -

# sustain mp, f
# sforzando
# staccato, mp, mf, ff

You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy EWQL Symphonic Orchestra - BRASS [5 DVD] or download it from our website.
This product was released on 20 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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