Xsample Vol.13 - Flute, Piccolo, Bottles Flute

Xsample Vol.13 - Flute, Piccolo, Bottles Flute
Xsample Vol.13 Flute - Piccolo - Bottles Flute: Standard sustained, vibrato, (3 velocity splits), staccato (3 velocity splits), flutter tongue, air fx, special fx. Piccolo: Standard sustained, vibrato, (3 velocity splits), staccato (3 velocity splits), flutter tongue, air fx, special fx. Bottles: blown bottles, harmonic blow noise.

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You may buy Xsample Vol.13 - Flute, Piccolo, Bottles Flute or download it from our website.
This product was released on 21 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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