Acustica Audio Neo Console Plugin Suite

Acustica Audio Neo Console Plugin Suite

Acustica Audio Neo Console Plugin Suite v1.3.606.0

The Neo Console Plug-In Suite (3 single plug-ins) is a world class desk gives at your mix a solid base with punch to win on the groove.


Despite the digital revolution in the pro audio industry, many of today’s top albums are still mixed on analog consoles. Mixing into an analog desk just sounds better. Everything sits better in the mix, there is more weight to the bottom, and the overall sound is more three dimensional. Analog devices produce electrical artifacts that affect frequency response, add harmonics, cause signal clipping and increase noise. These artifacts, which audio engineers often consider the character of a particular device, result from a combination of factors such as component grade, technology type (i.e. vacuum tubes, ICs, transistors), power supply specifications, equipment casing and other variables. Depending on the circuit characteristics, input signal frequency response varies. Some circuits cut frequencies, others boost them. This behavior is part of the overall device character and should not be confused with user adjustable EQ. Total harmonic distortion (THD) is based on the levels of the odd and even harmonics of an input signal, usually at a level much lower than the fundamental level. THD balance and decay are circuit dependent, and thus differ from device to device. Crosstalk and Noise are two elements which every designer tends to avoid to not affect the audio quality. Since in the analog world they can't be avoided, fortunately in digital domain with Volterra Technology we have reduced the noise at less of -120dBfs and completely avoided Crosstalk during the sampling. The result is an ideal full quality sound from a perfect working condition hardware. We have recreated these non linearity characteristics into Neo Console by sampling a vintage console in perfect working conditions. Your DAW will become more alive with the classic vibe of a real desk and you may notice that your mixes take on a subtle enhancement in punch, glue, and dimension.


Input Channel
The Neo Input Channel is the first stage of the console, normally it works as line amplifier and you should insert it on every track.

Group Bus
If you send some tracks to a submix bus group in your DAW and you like to have the real sound by Bus Group of the console, you can insert the Neo Group Bus as last insert into DAW's submix bus group.

Mix Bus
Neo Console Mix Bus is the final stage of the console, it must be inserted in the mixbus of the DAW.

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You may buy Acustica Audio Neo Console Plugin Suite or download it from our website.
This product was released on 25 Apr 2015. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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