Bobby Owinski 101 Mixing Tricks Module 2

Bobby Owinski 101 Mixing Tricks Module 2

Bobby Owinski 101 Mixing Tricks Module 2 [Tutorial]

The 101 Mixing Tricks Online Coaching Program Consists Of:

Module 2 Checklists

#17 The Dynamic De-essed Reverb Trick
#18 The Terrific Timed Reverb Trick
#19 The Rad Reverse Reverb Trick
#20 The Magic Mono Reverb Trick
#21 The Crazy Compressed Reverb ReturnTrick
#22. The Massive Track Reverb Trick
#23 The Abbey Road Reverb Trick
#24 The Super Big Reverb Trick
#25 The Legendary Layered Reverbs Trick
#26 The Dangerous Ducked Reverb Trick
#27 The Stunning Spectral Widening Trick
#28 The The Never-Miss Quick Effects Trick
#29 The Hellacious Haas Delay Trick
#30 The Marvelous Dotted And Triplet Delay Trick
#31 The Awesome Double Effect Trick
#32 The Excellent Effected Effect Trick
#33 The Old School Feedback Trick
#34 The Simulated Tape Delay Trick

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You may buy Bobby Owinski 101 Mixing Tricks Module 2 or download it from our website.
This product was released on 12 Aug 2015. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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