Mike Verta Scoring 1 Masterclass

  • Product Type: Music Production Tutorials
  • Tag Icon Tags:
    MAC OSX Compatible PC Windows Compatible
  • Platform: MAC OSX X32 PowerPC, MAC OSX X64 Intel, PC Windows x64, PC Windows x86
Mike Verta Scoring 1 Masterclass

Product Description

Writing music is one thing; writing music to picture is another. In this class I’ll be talking about strategies for thematic development within film structure, handling cue entrances/exits and transitions, techniques for orchestration in and around dialog/sound effects, working with temp tracks, and more. Plus I’ll give you some of speed-writing scoring tips for getting scenes cued and mapped out under the gun, as we look at before-and-after examples from several real-world projects.


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This product was released on 06 May 2017. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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