SoundScan vol.02 - Hip Hop Underground

SoundScan vol.02 - Hip Hop Underground
Created with "underground" in mind, this volume offers all necessary sounds for this kind of production. Enormous drum samples, expert & killer beats, MPC loops, city sounds, dark tracks, symphonic impressions, piano phrases, drum fills, breaks, bass, guitar riffs, percussion, various instruments samples… and much more.

• Total : 506 samples ( 324 expert beats / 127 samples / 55 drums )
• 50 audio tracks
• Akai partition : 50 volumes
• Wav-Acid/Aiff EXS24/Halion/Reason2/Akai Z4-Z8/Mach5/ReX2 : 509 MB
• Tempo : 89 - 97 BPM

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You may buy SoundScan vol.02 - Hip Hop Underground or download it from our website.
This product was released on 17 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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