StudioLine vol.03 - Great Guitars

StudioLine vol.03 - Great Guitars
All kinds of guitars: Acoustics (steel 6 and 12 strings, classic) Electric clean and distortion, jazz.

1 CD ROM - 540 MB - 120 Programs - AKAI S1000 Format

001 HeavenlyGuit 002 Grunge 003 Nylonsphere
004 Feedback 005 Dimension 006 Dimension2
007 Velo Strat 008 Velo Strat2 009 12Martin
010 12Martin2 011 BriteSteel 012 BriteSteel
013 teelGuitar 014 SteelGuitar2 015 Steel
016 Steel2 017 18String 018 18String
019 18Steel 020 8Steel 021 ClearNylon
022 Flamenco 023 Sailing 024 HarpsiGtr
025 Strat4way 026 CleanLd 027 VintStrat
028 Snapper 029 CompStrat 030 R&B Lead
031 SteelRide 032 GuildedAge 033 edalSteel
034 BigMute 035 Gitarala 036 EX-Guitar
037 ThickNylon 038 Benson 039 Fat Strat
040 EdgyStrat 041 Total Chug 042 LoDistort2
043 WorldSitar 044 DistortMute 045 Koto Pluck
046 Kunimotone 047 Grunger 048 Blood
049 LeadSwitch 050 BlackMagic 051 BritishStack
052 egatoAGtr 053 BigBody12 054 GuitarsOoh
055 AcHarmonic 056 818 Guitar 057 Silvertone
058 Chunky 059 Fuzzhead 060 CoralLezli
061 Spamisen 062 SteelHorse 063 TuesdayAft
064 ulcioto 065 ElHarmonic 066 PassGuitar
067 PedalSteel 068 Hyperdrvr 069 HeroHarm
070 Dulcimer 071 MandoTrem 072 NewGuitar
073 CrystalGtr 074 Accoustic 075 Steel
076 12er 077 Strum 078 horused
079 Crunch 080 Harmony 081 Amped
082 Strat 083 Phunk 084 Rock
085 Harm 086 EL12 087 12 Str
088 Pedal 089 Steel 090 Steel
091 Round 092 Round 093 Wire
094 Wire 095 Disto 096 Wah Clean
097 GuitarVibe 098 Chorus E-Gtr 099 MetalAlloy
100 GoldenGuitar 101 Metal 102 Jazzguitar
103 HybridGuitar 104 Guitar&Strg
105 Romantic 106 HalfDrive
107 Vai 108 Vai Feep 109 Woman
110 Classic 111 Sevilla 112 Hawaii
113 Benson 114 Smooth FB 115 Smooth
116 Acstc (harm) 117 Acstc (norm) 118 Acstc (harm)
119 Acstc (norm) 120 Washburn
You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy StudioLine vol.03 - Great Guitars or download it from our website.
This product was released on 18 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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