SynthLine vol.14 - Waldorf Q

SynthLine vol.14 - Waldorf Q
Waldorf Q • 61 Programs • 540 MB • 1 Sample CD

A001 Q-rious A002 Band Phase A003 Levinsky
A004 80's Hit A005 Puzzling A006 Meisterhaft
A007 Bells A008 Q knows A009 Kerbholz
A010 Q-Tip A011 48db Notch A012 Ahrpeggaggio
A013 Background A014 Bass Arped A015 BusyQ4U
A016 Dreams A017 Fatted A018 Full Chords
A019 GeeGaGo A020 Groovin' A021 KrautedHaus
A022 Lost In Motion A023 Meloggiator A024 Mode 1&1
A025 Moduli A026 Oldstyle A027 PaceLine
A028 Panreduction A029 Phadda A030 PheeGaDee
A031 Quarantine A032 Quo vadis A033 Radiosity
A034 Rythmic A035 Shorty Q A036 SqrBass
A037 Vince Clarke A038 Wandering Egg A039 Wheeler
A040 Wicked Line A041 Soooloo A042 Al'Arabiata
A043 Alphaville A044 Asian Harmony A045 Baaooo
A046 Banpasso A047 Clear'n'old A048 Crusin'
A049 Dance Melody

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You may buy SynthLine vol.14 - Waldorf Q or download it from our website.
This product was released on 18 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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