Slate Digital ANA 2 Ultra Expansion Packs

Slate Digital ANA 2 Ultra Expansion Packs


ANA 2 Ultra Cinematic Vol.2 Expansion Pack:

Underscore the movie of your life with gigantic sonic atmospheres, dreamy smooth pads, and breathtaking leads to add drama to your next track.

ANA 2 Ultra Circuit Breaker Expansion Pack:

Massive leads, evolving organic pads, and bottomless low end come together with a gorgeous new skin to create a circuit breaker that’s built to overload.

ANA 2 Ultra Detroit Vol.2 Expansion Pack:

This set of hip-hop inspired patches introduces super thick reeses and keys to an already packed party.

ANA 2 Ultra Monolith Expansion Pack:

From rolling basses to otherworldly arps and soaring leads, MONOLITH is the most versatile set of sounds to ever hit the ANA 2 Ultra Bundle.

ANA 2 Ultra Multisample Expansion Pack:

Take ANA 2 Ultra Bundle to new creative heights with 10 organic instruments and 5 drum machines, each of which put the multisampler’s power on full display.

ANA 2 Ultra SD-1 Vol.2 Expansion Pack:

The textures and tones of lo-fi have never sounded better than this batch of crackly keys, dusty basses and tastefully re-sampled percussion.

ANA 2 Ultra Vintage Analog Vol.2 Expansion Pack:

Warm poly-synths, fat basses, and iconic vintage leads come together to turn your DAW into several classic synths at once.


You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy Slate Digital ANA 2 Ultra Expansion Packs or download it from our website.
This product was released on 14 Dec 2023. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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