Peter Siedlaczek's Advanced Orchestra 1 - String Ensembles

Peter Siedlaczek's Advanced Orchestra 1 - String Ensembles
INSTRUMENTS: 14 Violins, 10 Violas, 8 Celli, 6 Basses.

PHRASINGS & ARTICULATIONS* :Sustained notes f, Sustained notes p, Con sordino, Short detache 2x, Slow glissando, fast glissando, grace notes (ascending/descending, half tone/whole tone), Short chords, Broken chords (major, minor, diminished), Arpeggios (major, minor, diminished), Runs (major, minor).

You may buy Peter Siedlaczek's Advanced Orchestra 1 - String Ensembles or download it from our website.
This product was released on 17 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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