FX Pearls Vol. 01

FX Pearls Vol. 01
Mutekki Media FX Pearls Vol. 01

FX Pearls offers well over 300 high-grade and royalty free effects! The samples are available in two different formats: in WAV format, which means, that the CD also is suitable for Reason and Fruity loops users, as well as sampler instruments for the EXS software sampler. Moreover it is usable for both, PC and Mac users!

FX Pearls offers all musicproducers, recording studios, game producers, songwriters, and web designers a large spectrum of immediate usable effects, such as hits, scifi fx, ambiences, sweeps, mutant voices, noises, delay fx, scratches, pitch and harmonizer fx, shocks & drumloops. Those have been created with highend equipment of brands such as Eventide, Manley, Urei, Lexicon, Sontec, TC, TLA, Pro Tools.

A high-quality effect CD, which cuts out standard effects and starts right where many conventional CDs stop.

You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy FX Pearls Vol. 01 or download it from our website.
This product was released on 21 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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