Total REX [2 DVD]

Total REX [2 DVD]

Zero-G Total REX [2 DVDs Set]

The world's largest collection of professional REX files in a single product, Zero-G TOTAL REX, featuring OVER 15,000 of our best loops selected from over 40 different Zero-G products. Over 10 GIGABYTES of groove inspiration!

Zero-G bring you a First Choice rhythm loop compilation in REX2 format. This is the ULTIMATE compilation of professional quality REX files - OVER 15,000 drumloops, instrument grooves & riffs, breakbeats and awesome rhythmic inspiration for use with:
Spectrasonics STYLUS RMX (Total Rex is "Stylus RMX-optimized" for fast accurate loading), Propellerheads REASON, Steinberg CUBASE, Apple LOGIC PRO, Motu MACHFIVE, Motu DIGITAL PERFORMER, NI INTAKT, NI KONTAKT, Cakewalk SONAR, Image-Line FL STUDIO, and more....


Over 15,000 Drum and Percussion Loops, Instrument Groove Loops, Vocal Loops, and Atmos & FX Loops, and more...


Afrolatin Slam - 345 loops
Akoustik Bass Hitz - 893 loops
Brass Elements - 242 loops
Chemical Beats - 424 loops
Chemical Synths - 400 loops
Cuckooland Unhinged - 393 loops
DrumStyles - 383 loops
Ethnic Flavours - 92 loops
Funk Bass - 1057 loops
Funk Construction - 116 loops
Funk Guitar - 815 loops
Grinding Beats - 332 loops
Guitar Odyssey - 649 loops
Hip Hop & Swing Breakdown - 68 loops
House & Garage Construction - 97 loops
Jungle Frenzy - 242 loops
Jungle Warfare 1 - 287 loops
Jungle Warfare 2 - 722 loops
Jungle Warfare 3 - 717 loops
Koncept & Funktion (Drum & Bass) - 408 loops
Live Bass Grooves - 129 loops
Percussion Grooves - 114 loops


Pure Brazilian Beats - 194 loops
Pure Hip Hop - 146 loops
Pure Mayhem - 340 loops
Pure R'n'B - 165 loops
Pure Tabla - 274 loops
Pure Trip Hop - 147 loops
Reggae Connection - 194 loops
Return To Planet Of The Breaks - 142 loops
Rhythm Guitar & FX - 248 loops
Spices Of India - 200 loops
Synth Bass Loops - 14 loops
Techno Prisoners - 36 loops
Total Drum & Bass - 782 loops
Total Funk - 910 loops
Total Hip Hop - 552 loops
Total House - 668 loops
Trance Formation - 15 loops
Upfront Lead Guitar - 44 loops
WIRED: The Elements of Trance - 928 loops
World Class Breaks - 200 loops

Total for all categories: over 15,000 REX Files


You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy Total REX [2 DVD] or download it from our website.
This product was released on 21 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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