Audio Damage AD054 - Other Desert Cities v1.0.9

  • Product Type: VST Plugins
  • Tag Icon Tags:
    MAC OSX Compatible PC Windows Compatible
  • Platform: MAC OSX X64 Intel, PC Windows x64
  • Disks: 1 CD
Audio Damage AD054 - Other Desert Cities v1.0.9

About Other Desert Cities

Other Desert Cities, named after a famous sign on the I-10 highway leaving Los Angeles, is a workshop for creativity. As its namesake implies, there are many strange and wonderful things lurking inside. With six algorithms, each with its own unique personality, and extensive modulation capabilities, Other Desert Cities can fill multiple niches, from basic stereo dual delays to never-before-heard granular pitch-shifting chaos.


01 - Desert Shores Stereo Delay. This is a standard dual delay, with basic EQ, saturation, crossfeed, and spread.
02 - Mecca Reverse Delay. A normal dual delay, except the repeats play backwards.
03 - Cactus Dual-Delta Delay. This is more like a pair of tape delays in use, with individual speed controls and pitch quantizing.
04 - Thermal Mullti-Tap Delay. A dual multi-tap, with spread, crossfeed, and basic EQ.
05 - Mirage Multi-Head Delay. Imagine if you had a tape delay, but the head was like the rotating head in a VCR. Experimental, strange, and wonderful.
06 - Sky Valley Granular Delay. A pitch-shifting granular delay, with control over grain size and scatter, and with EQ.

You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy Audio Damage AD054 - Other Desert Cities v1.0.9 or download it from our website.
This product was released on 16 Feb 2022. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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